School Life Quiz

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idingdongditchyou's avatar
Hetalia High School Life + Afterwards by Misery

Name: Izzy
age: 13
fav. color: orange
random song: Geek Will Inherit the Earth (Love this song!~<3)
~Freshman Year~
First day of highschool: ...
Your Crush is: Canada
Your Bully Is: America
Your Status is: Dork
In Gym Class This Person Hits You With A Ball: Latvia
They...: Laugh (You son of a ...)
Your First Kiss: China (F*** YEAH!)
You End Up Dating: England
Chances They Break Your Heart: 37%

Sophomore Year: Yay!
Your crush is: Prussia
Your Bully Is: Lithuania (First Latvia, now you?)
Your Status Increases/Decreases to: Popular (Really?)
This Person Confesses To You: Germany (O_o' No thanks)
This Person Throws A Frog At You In Science: Poland (...He would)
You End Up Dating: Scotland (Yay! but I'm dating all the Kirklands?)
You Break Up Because: He was cheating on you. (Scotty...TT.TT)

Junior Year!: I hate this school
Your Crush Is: Estonia (WTF? What's with the trembling trio?)
Your Bully Is: Latvia (seriously pipsqueak?)
Your Status decreases/increases to: Dork
This Person Stalks You: South Italy (Oh Gawd Why?)
You End Up Dating: Estonia (WHY?)
They Leave You For: France (...)
Chances They Will Last: 23% (Suck it losers)

Senior Year!: yes!
Your Crush Is: Lithuania (fhsfhaasdf I.Give.Up. Didn't he bully me?)
Your Bully Is: Germany
Your Status Decreases/Increases To...: Outcast (Seriously...Fantastic)
This Person Asks You To Prom: Estonia (STAHP leave me alone)
Chances You'll be crowned Prom King & Queen: 81% (But i'm an outcast!)
You Lose Your Virginity To: Lithuania (.......................NO.)

Graduation Day!
 This Person Streaks: Prussia (*whistles*)
Chances They'll be Caught: 11%
You Get Married To: Sealand (WHY...Gawd, why?)
You Become A: Actor (No.)
You Have This Many Kids: 1

This was my apparent school life if I had gone to World Academy with everyone from Hetalia.
Apparently The Trembling Trio like to bully and date me. Also, Prussia likes to Streak and I married Sealand.
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Randomality101's avatar
I really want to take this! But for some reason the link doesn't work. Oh well, this made me laugh!